Question: When You Have Been “Benched” As Attorney, Can You Still Represent Clients? Answer: No. Once Have Been Suspended, You Can No Longer Represent Clients. See Below. We find that Responde...
Can Xboxes Become Contraband?
Question: Can Xboxes Become Contraband? Answer: Yes, If You Are In Prison. See Below. Yisrayl is an offender incarcerated in Michigan City. In June 2016, Yisrayl began a 90 day probationary period a...
Can A Conviction Of Violence Cost You Your License?
Question: Can A Conviction That Contains Elements Of Violence Cost You Your License? Answer: Yes. See Below. On September 17, 2015, the Enforcement Division of the Indiana Department of Insurance ...
Motorist Not Wearing Their Seat Belt At The Time Of An Auto Accident.
Question: Is Evidence Of A Motorist Not Wearing Their Seat Belt At The Time Of An Auto Accident Admissible To Prove Contributory Negligence? Answer: No, The Violation Of The Seatbelt Act May Not Be ...
What Law Governs A Car Accident?
Question: What Law Governs A Car Accident? Answer: Usually, Law Of The State In Which The Accident Occurs. In 2012, Mr. Rexroad was driving a tractor-trailer in Hendricks County, Indiana when he beg...
The “Bystander Rule”.
What Did The Indiana Supreme Court Say About The “Bystander Rule”, Emotional Distress & Social Media? Ray Clifton (“Clifton”) and his son Darryl Clifton (“Darryl”) lived together and w...
A Frivolous Case Can Cost YOU!
Question: When is a civil case frivolous? Answer: Basically, it is when the trial court finds that your case was or has become groundless or litigated in bad faith. On December 21, 2011, Richard fil...
Bite By A Pet Pig.
Question: How Much Can An Injured Child Receive When Injured Due To Being Bite By A Pet Pig? Answer: Zero, If Pig Owner Did NOT Know Or Have Reason To Know That The Pig Had Dangerous Propensities. O...
When Does The “Incredible Dubiosity Rule” Apply.
Question: When Does The “Incredible Dubiosity Rule” Apply To A Criminal Conviction? Answer: There must be: 1) a sole testifying witness; 2) testimony that is inherently contradictory, equivocal,...
What Is A Doyle Violation?
Question: What Is A Doyle Violation In A Criminal Case? Answer: It Is When A Prosecution Witness Comments About The Defendant’s Silence After Being Given The Miranda Warning After Arrest During Te...