Question: Are Indiana crash reports prepared by police officers admissible at trial? Answer: These crash reports contain witness statements that are which are hearsay and therefore must have an except...
How long does it take for asbestos to cause damage to your lungs?
Question: How long does it take for asbestos to cause damage to your lungs? Answer: It takes many decades for a sufficient number of genetic mutations to occur in a mesothelium cell because of the bod...
Can a witness give an opinion as to the speed of a vehicle
Question: Can a witness give an opinion as to the speed of a vehicle simply based upon the sound the vehicle was making? Answer: Estimates of the speed of a motor vehicle are not matters which are the...
What is the “Dead Man” statute
Question: What is the “Dead Man” statute? Answer: The Dead Man’s Statute guard against false testimony by a survivor by establishing a rule of mutuality, wherein the lips of the surv...
Are intentional acts like punching someone covered by insurance?
Question: Are intentional acts like punching someone covered by insurance? Answer: Insurance is there to protect an insured against liability for causing injury to another in an accidents. An “accid...
Does a property owner have a duty to provide a safe place to work for an independent contractor?
Question: Does a property owner have a duty to provide a safe place to work for an independent contractor? Answer: Generally, the owner of property has no duty to furnish the employees of an independe...
What is the cap on damages in the State of Indiana
Question: What is the cap on damages in the State of Indiana for medical malpractice causing injury or death to a patient? Answer: The total amount recoverable for an injury or death of a patient may ...
Duties of pedestrian when crossing at a crosswalk
Question: What are the duties of pedestrian when they are crossing at a crosswalk? Answer: The duties of the pedestrian at a crosswalk and the preferred driver at an intersection are quite different. ...
Does A Gun Owner Have Liability When Gun Is Stolen
Question: Does A Gun Owner Have Liability When Gun Is Stolen & Is Used In A Crime? Answer: Pursuant to I.C. §34-30-20-1, a person is immune from civil liability based on an act or omission relate...
Can You Overturn A Default Judgement After Failing To Answer
Question: Can You Overturn A Default Judgement After Failing To Answer A Complaint? Answer: Yes, When There Is A Showing Of Excusable Neglect. See Below. Matthew Joseph accidentally discharged a...