Question: Can police insert a GPS device into an already opened package from UPS and track your movements with the package? Answer: Yes. In 2010, UPS alerted the police that they had found marijuana...
Insurer Can Enforce Arbitration Provisions In Its Policy.
Question: Can an insurer force its insured to arbitration instead of having their case heard by a jury? Answer: Yes, if policy allows for arbitration. This case arises from a motor vehicle collision...
An Unregistered Hotel Guests Does Not Have An Expectation Of Privacy!
Question: Are the Police allowed a warrantless entry of a hotel room of an unregistered guest? Answer: Yes, since the unregistered guest does not have a legitimate expectation of privacy in the prem...
Question: Does the pulling and pointing of a gun by an officer always mean an arrest has occurred? Answer: No, officer may have reasonable suspicion the person is armed. In 2011, the 911 dispatcher...
Walking To Your Car Can Be Company Business.
Question: Is there worker’s compensation coverage for an injury that occurs when you are going to your car to get work related items? Answer: Yes. In 2011, Kathy worked for A Plus as a home health...
Not All Police Questions Require a Miranda Warning!
Question: Does a suspect of a crime have to receive a Miranda Warning prior to being questioned by the police? Answer: Not always. In 2012, an officer noticed a car with heavy front-end damage in a ...
Foul Balls Are Known By Fans To Be Dangerous Souvenirs!
Question: Can a fan who is hit and injured by a foul baseball while attending a baseball game sue the team for their injuries? Answer: No. On May 23, 2009, Juanita DeJesus was injured when she was h...
Who’s Your Daddy?
Question: Does an ex-husband have to pay child support as the parent of two children conceived through artificial insemination during his marriage to Mother? Answer: Yes. Father and Mother were marr...
Keep Your Eyes on Your Own Paper Or Get Kicked Out Of School!
Question: Can I get dismissed from the university I have been attending for cheating during an examination? Answer: Yes. A third-year medical student at Indiana University School of Medicine was att...
A Deal is A Deal Even if it was a bad Deal!
Question: Can you get out of an agreement to settle a disputed claim when the evidence shows that you did nothing wrong? Answer: NO. In May 2009, Mr. Vance and Rock Solid entered into an agreement w...