Here Is An Example Of Respondeat Superior In Reference To A Civil Law Suit And The Cost To The Employer Of Having To Pay 80% Of A $1,800,000.00 Judgment!! In this case, a pharmacist breached one of he...
What Is A “Skilled Witness”?
Question: What Is A “Skilled Witness”? Answer: A Witness With The Degree Of Knowledge Short Of That Sufficient To Be Declared An Expert, But Somewhat Beyond That Possessed By The Ordinary Jurors...
Who Is Entitled To Get A Copy Of An Indiana Death Certificate?
Question: Who Is Entitled To Get A Copy Of An Indiana Death Certificate? Answer: Under Indiana Access To Public Records Act, The Public. Indiana’s death record system begins with the death certifi...
Can Grandparents Petition for Grandparent Visitation?
Question: Can Grandparents Petition for Grandparent Visitation? Answer: Yes, But 4 Factors Must Be Weighed In Determining Whether To Grant Visitation. In either granting or denying a petition for gran...
Can Judges Go To Jail & Get Suspended From The Practice Of Law?
Question: Can Judges Go To Jail & Get Suspended From The Practice Of Law? Answer: Yes! Here Is A Local Example. From January 2000 to December 2003, Respondent, Deborah Riga, served as Scherervil...
Does the trial judge hearing a divorce have to split everything the parties own/owe, including lottery winnings, 50/50 when dividing martial property?
Question: Does the trial judge hearing a divorce have to split everything the parties own/owe, including lottery winnings, 50/50 when dividing martial property? Answer: NO! The judge has “broad di...
Be Careful Contractors When Signing Contracts.
Be Careful Contractors When Signing Contracts, Since You Can Assume Duties Relating To Work Of Subcontractors!!!!! In 2007, a School contracted with Kloeppel to perform work and services and to supply...
What Is “Incurred Risk” In A Civil Case?
Question: What Is “Incurred Risk” In A Civil Case? Answer: It Is A Conscious & Deliberate Course Of Conduct With Knowledge of Circumstances. TRANSPO is a public transportation corporation and ...
Statute Of Limitations Run On An Insurance Negligence Claim?
Question: When Does The Statute Of Limitations Run On An Insurance Negligence Claim? Answer: It begins To Run NO Later Than First Policy Renewal After Agent’s Alleged Representation. In 1997, the Gr...
Ethics & Attorney Misconduct Are Very Important Factors To Consider When Retaining An Attorney!
Ethics & Attorney Misconduct Are Very Important Factors To Consider When Retaining An Attorney! Ask The Question, “Does The Attorney You Are Seeking To Employ Have An Ethical Background?” He...