On August 13, 2021, my associate Mark Schocke and I were successful in obtaining a $4,000,000.00 verdict against the Indiana State Police and State of Indiana. The offer prior to trial was $10,000.00 and opposing counsel was Lewis & Wilkens who thought they had a slam dunk contributory negligence case that would result in a ZERO verdict for the Plaintiff. This case centered on an Indiana State Police troop doing a U-turn on the tollway in front of my client who struck the police car and died on scene. There were 3 accident reconstructionist that testified for the State of Indiana and their focus was on getting the speed of my client’s motorcycle up as high as possible to show contributory negligence. We felt good going into this jury trial since we used my mock courtroom and two different mock juries of 7 people from Lake County who both found in my client’s favor after presenting all the experts’ opinions in this case. I am very proud that we were able to get justice for the family. — David Gladish