If you have taken Zantac AND developed cancer, you may be eligible for compensation. Zantac (ranitidine) has been one of the biggest-selling drugs of all time. It is used to treat heartburn & acid reflux among other things. However, the drug has a critical defect. When ingested, it forms high levels of a potent carcinogen in the body called N-nitrosodimethylamine or NDMA. The FDA’s allowable daily limit of NDMA is 96 nanograms. Recent testing has shown levels of NDMA as high as 3 million nanograms. Further, researchers from Stanford University tested the urine of healthy subjects who ingested a one Zantac tablet. NDMA levels in their urine was nearly 4000 times higher than the FDA’s daily limit. The FDA has conducted testing on Zantac and has detected levels of NDMA in the tested samples exceeding the FDA’s limits. Further, most manufacturers in the U.S. have recalled their product. NDMA is classified as a “probable carcinogen” by the World Health Organization, the US FDA and the US EPA. There is no commercial use for NDMA, and it is not commercially produced in the United States except for research. It is only a poison. In fact, when researchers wish to induce tumors in lab animals to study tumors, they use NDMA to induce tumors. Do not waste your one and only opportunity to seek just compensation by retaining an attorney who will not provide you with the quality representation you need to make the recovery you are entitled to receive. Get Gladish!