In 2010, Scroggins Gun Shop was burglarized. The burglar forced open the front door of the business, broke a glass display case, and took 8 guns. The crime took less than a minute, and surveillance vi...
Indiana Schools, Child Abuse and the Obligation of School Officials to Report.
Question: Does a school have a statutory duty to report child abuse? Answer: Yes. On November 9, 2010, G.G. was a 16 year old student that reported she had been raped in the boys’ bathroom by S.M....
Trash Is Not Always Trash!
Question: Can the police look through your trash for evidence that you have committed a crime? Answer: Yes, if they have reasonable suspicion of illegal activity. In 2011, a detective interviewed ar...
The Police Can Use GPS To Track Your Pot!
Question: Can police insert a GPS device into an already opened package from UPS and track your movements with the package? Answer: Yes. In 2010, UPS alerted the police that they had found marijuana...
Question: Does the pulling and pointing of a gun by an officer always mean an arrest has occurred? Answer: No, officer may have reasonable suspicion the person is armed. In 2011, the 911 dispatcher...
“Spice” is NOT WEED!
Question: When you charge a minor caught with a pipe of intending to smoke weed, do you have to prove that the minor was going to smoke weed? Answer: Yes. In 2012, a principal at a middle school le...
A Call For Help – Helps with a Conviction!
Can a 911 call get around the Hearsay Rule? The answer is, “yes” when it is an excited utterance. In 2010, a mother fell asleep on her couch. Shortly before 3:00 a.m., she woke up when a man struc...