Question: How long does it take for asbestos to cause damage to your lungs? Answer: It takes many decades for a sufficient number of genetic mutations to occur in a mesothelium cell because of the bod...
Are intentional acts like punching someone covered by insurance?
Question: Are intentional acts like punching someone covered by insurance? Answer: Insurance is there to protect an insured against liability for causing injury to another in an accidents. An “accid...
Does a property owner have a duty to provide a safe place to work for an independent contractor?
Question: Does a property owner have a duty to provide a safe place to work for an independent contractor? Answer: Generally, the owner of property has no duty to furnish the employees of an independe...
Duties of pedestrian when crossing at a crosswalk
Question: What are the duties of pedestrian when they are crossing at a crosswalk? Answer: The duties of the pedestrian at a crosswalk and the preferred driver at an intersection are quite different. ...
What Law Governs A Car Accident?
Question: What Law Governs A Car Accident? Answer: Usually, Law Of The State In Which The Accident Occurs. In 2012, Mr. Rexroad was driving a tractor-trailer in Hendricks County, Indiana when he beg...
The “Bystander Rule”.
What Did The Indiana Supreme Court Say About The “Bystander Rule”, Emotional Distress & Social Media? Ray Clifton (“Clifton”) and his son Darryl Clifton (“Darryl”) lived together and w...
Bite By A Pet Pig.
Question: How Much Can An Injured Child Receive When Injured Due To Being Bite By A Pet Pig? Answer: Zero, If Pig Owner Did NOT Know Or Have Reason To Know That The Pig Had Dangerous Propensities. O...