Question: When is a civil case frivolous? Answer: Basically, it is when the trial court finds that your case was or has become groundless or litigated in bad faith. On December 21, 2011, Richard fil...
Bite By A Pet Pig.
Question: How Much Can An Injured Child Receive When Injured Due To Being Bite By A Pet Pig? Answer: Zero, If Pig Owner Did NOT Know Or Have Reason To Know That The Pig Had Dangerous Propensities. O...
When Does The “Incredible Dubiosity Rule” Apply.
Question: When Does The “Incredible Dubiosity Rule” Apply To A Criminal Conviction? Answer: There must be: 1) a sole testifying witness; 2) testimony that is inherently contradictory, equivocal,...
What Is A Doyle Violation?
Question: What Is A Doyle Violation In A Criminal Case? Answer: It Is When A Prosecution Witness Comments About The Defendant’s Silence After Being Given The Miranda Warning After Arrest During Te...
Evidence Necessary To Prove Public Intoxication.
Question: What Evidence Is Necessary To Prove The Crime Of Public Intoxication In Indiana? Answer: Intoxication, Plus 1 Of 4 Other Elements Are Necessary To Prove This Crime After 2012. At approxima...
The Difference Between Criminal Intimidation & Harassment.
Question: What Is The Difference Between Criminal Intimidation & Harassment? Answer: Both Deal With Communications That Are Criminal, But They Differ On Intent. See Below. Rakiea McCaskill had a...
College Liability For Fraternity Hazing A Pledge.
Question: When Does The College Have Liability For Fraternity Hazing A Pledge? Answer: Liability Would Depend On Control, See Below. Plaintiff, Brian Yost, as an 18–year–old freshman at Wabash C...
Who Is The “13th Juror” And What Do They Do?
Question: When A Civil Case Goes To Trial, Who Is The “13th Juror” And What Do They Do? Answer: It Is The Trial Judge Who Must Determine Whether In The Minds Of Reasonable Jurors A Contrary Verd...
What Does “HSO” Mean?
Question: What Does “HSO” Mean? Answer: Habitual Substance Offender – Which Can Lead To An Enhancement Of Criminal Penalties! In 2013, the State filed an Information charging John Light with C...
Can You Have A Felony Resulting In Bodily Injury Expunged?
Question: Can You Have A Felony Resulting In Bodily Injury Expunged From Your Criminal Record? Answer: No, But In This Case Yes! In 1997 the State charged Johnnie Trout with 4 counts that included c...