• 3235 45th Street, Highland, IN 46322
  • 603 N. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
  • (219) 838-1900
    (219) 600-8130
  • david@davidgladish.com

Gladish Law Group

Gladish Law Group

Highland Premises Liability Lawyers

Highland Premises Liability Lawyers

One might not always know about the hazards that can lurk on someone else’s property. Highland residents and visitors may encounter hazards that cause severe injuries or even tragic loss of life. Premises liability accidents include slip and fall incidents, negligent security leading to assaults, structural defects causing accidents, and animal attacks, among others.

The aftermath of a premises liability accident, especially one resulting in injuries or death, can be devastating. Physical pain, emotional trauma, medical expenses, and lost wages are just a few of the challenges individuals and their families may face. These incidents can upend lives in an instant, leading to a long and challenging road to recovery.

In the face of such hardships, individuals may seek justice and compensation through the legal system. Filing a personal injury claim or, in tragic cases, a wrongful death claim, allows those affected by Highland premises liability accidents to hold responsible parties accountable for their actions. These legal avenues provide an opportunity to recover damages for medical bills, pain and suffering, lost income, and other losses incurred due to the negligence of property owners.

With two Lake County, Indiana, locations, our Highland premises liability lawyers represent accident victims throughout the state with a focus on Highland and Crown Point. Call us today.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Schedule a free consultation online or call us today at (219) 600-5944

Why Choose Gladish Law Group for Your Highland Premises Liability Claim?

Premises liability theme: Eyeglasses, calculator, and notebook arrangement symbolizing legal considerations.Understanding the intricacies of premises liability law in Highland, Indiana, is crucial when pursuing a claim. Seeking the guidance of an experienced attorney ensures that individuals can navigate the legal process with confidence, allowing them to focus on rebuilding their lives after the profound impact of a premises liability incident. The pursuit of justice through legal means not only holds wrongdoers accountable but also helps ease the burden of losses, providing a measure of financial and emotional relief for those affected.

Consult with an experienced personal injury attorney in Highland to understand the specific circumstances of a potential claim. Each case is unique, and the determination of liability can depend on various factors, including the nature of the hazard, the relationship between the parties, and any relevant contractual agreements. Legal professionals can provide guidance tailored to the specific details of a given situation.

Trust Gladish Law Group to stand by your side, advocating for justice and the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation and evaluation of your case. Our seasoned personal injury lawyers have experience handling premises liability claims in Highland.

Our Highland Office Location and Headquarters

We have two locations in Lake County, Indiana to serve both north Lake County at our Highland address and south Lake County at our Crown Point address. Our primary address is 3235 45th Street, Highland, Indiana 46322. You can reach us by phone at (219) 838-1900 to meet with one of our personal injury attorneys to discuss your claim. All consultations are free and we keep them strictly confidential.

What Is Premises Liability Law?

Premises liability law in Highland, Indiana governs the legal responsibilities of property owners and occupants to ensure the safety of individuals on their premises. This area of law holds property owners accountable for injuries and accidents that occur on their property due to unsafe conditions or negligence.

David Gladish in conferenceProperty owners have a legal obligation to maintain their premises in a safe condition for visitors. This duty extends to keeping the property free from hazards and addressing potential risks.

Premises liability cases commonly involve slip and fall accidents, inadequate security leading to assaults, defects in the property’s structure or maintenance, and incidents related to dangerous animals on the premises.

To establish a premises liability claim, individuals typically need to demonstrate that the property owner had a duty of care, breached that duty, the breach caused the injury, and there are measurable damages resulting from the incident.

Highland premises liability law is influenced by state statutes and regulations. Staying informed about relevant laws is crucial for both property owners and those seeking compensation for injuries sustained on another’s property.

Indiana follows a comparative fault system, which means that if a person is partially responsible for their injury, the compensation they receive may be reduced proportionally. Understanding this concept is essential for both plaintiffs and defendants in premises liability cases.

For specific guidance tailored to your situation, consulting with a Highland, Indiana premises liability attorney is advisable. They can provide insights into the intricacies of local laws, assess the viability of a claim, and guide individuals through the legal process with a focus on achieving a fair resolution.

Common Premises Liability Accidents and Injuries

Premises liability accidents encompass a variety of incidents resulting in injuries on someone else’s property. Common premises liability accidents include:

  • Slip and Fall Accidents: These occur due to wet floors, uneven surfaces, or poorly maintained walkways. Property owners must promptly address spills and maintain safe walking surfaces.
  • Negligent Security Incidents: Inadequate security measures leading to assaults or criminal activities on the premises. Property owners may be liable if they fail to implement reasonable security measures.
  • Structural Defects and Maintenance Issues: Injuries may result from poorly maintained structures, such as broken stairs, railing defects, or collapsing structures. Property owners are responsible for regular maintenance and prompt repairs to avoid such hazards.
  • Dog Bites and Animal Attacks: Injuries caused by aggressive pets on the property.
  • Owners are responsible for controlling their animals and preventing harm to visitors.
  • Elevator and Escalator Accidents: Malfunctions, abrupt stops, or failure to maintain these devices can lead to injuries. Property owners must ensure proper maintenance and promptly address any reported issues.
  • Swimming Pool Accidents: Drowning or injuries around pools due to inadequate safety measures. Property owners need to implement safety features and comply with relevant regulations.
  • Falling Objects: Injuries caused by objects falling from shelves, ceilings, or other elevated places. Property owners must secure items properly to prevent such incidents.
  • Electrical Accidents: Injuries resulting from faulty wiring, exposed electrical components, or inadequate warnings. Property owners are responsible for maintaining electrical safety.
  • Retail Store Accidents: Injuries in stores due to spills, falling merchandise, or other hazards. Storeowners must promptly address potential dangers and maintain a safe shopping environment.


Property owners must take reasonable steps to prevent these accidents, while visitors should be aware of their surroundings and seek legal guidance if they suffer injuries due to a property owner’s negligence. After a premises liability incident, consult a Highland personal injury attorney at Gladish Law Groups to navigate the legal process and determine the viability of your claim.

Filing a Premises Liability Claim in Highland

In a premises liability claim, several key elements must be established to build a strong case. These elements help determine whether the property owner or occupier is legally responsible for injuries sustained on the premises. Here are the essential elements of a premises liability claim:

  • Duty of Care: Property owners or occupiers have a legal duty to maintain a reasonably safe environment for visitors. This duty extends to regular inspection, identification, and mitigation of potential hazards on the premises. The nature and extent of the duty of care can vary based on the relationship between the injured party and the property owner. For example, invitees receive a higher duty of care than trespassers.
  • Breach of Duty: To establish a premises liability claim, you must demonstrate that the property owner breached their duty of care. This involves proving that the owner knew or should have known about a hazardous condition but failed to address it promptly. Negligent actions, such as inadequate maintenance, failure to warn about dangers, or lack of security measures, may contribute to a breach of duty.
  • Causation: Causation establishes a direct link between the breach of duty and the injuries suffered by the plaintiff. It must be shown that the hazardous condition or the property owner’s negligence was a substantial factor in causing the injuries. If the plaintiff’s injuries would not have occurred but for the property owner’s actions or omissions, causation is established.
  • Damages: Damages refer to the actual harm or losses suffered by the plaintiff as a result of the premises liability incident. These can include medical expenses, pain and suffering, lost wages, and other tangible and intangible losses. Documenting and presenting clear evidence of the damages incurred is crucial in establishing the extent of the harm caused by the incident.


Comparative Fault and Liability in Premises Liability Claims

National Trial LawyersIn Highland, Indiana, as in many jurisdictions, the concept of comparative fault applies to premises liability cases. Comparative fault means that more than one party can share responsibility for an accident and resulting injuries. This includes situations where the person injured also bears some degree of responsibility for the incident.

In a premises liability claim, the party generally held liable is the owner of the property or, in some cases, the person in control of the premises. This can include property owners, landlords, business owners, or anyone responsible for maintaining and ensuring the safety of the premises.

The primary principle is that those in control of a property must keep it safe for visitors and guests. However, there are exceptions and considerations:

  • Lease Agreements: In cases where a property is leased, the responsibility for maintenance and safety may be outlined in the lease agreement. Depending on the terms, the tenant might assume liability for certain areas or aspects of the property.
  • Government Properties: Government entities may have specific rules and immunities. Suing a government entity for premises liability may involve different procedures and limitations compared to private property owners.
  • Trespassers: Generally, property owners owe a duty of care to lawful visitors. However, the duty of care to trespassers is limited. Property owners may not be held liable for injuries sustained by someone trespassing on their property unless intentional harm is involved.
  • Assumption of Risk: In some cases, if a visitor willingly exposes themselves to a known danger or hazard, they may be considered to have assumed the risk, affecting the liability of the property owner.
  • Contractors and Third Parties: If a premises liability incident involves the negligence of a contractor or another third party hired by the property owner, liability may extend to them as well.


Contact Gladish Law Group Today

Headshot of David Gladish
David Gladish, Premises Liability Attorney in Highland

If you’ve experienced a premises liability incident in Highland, Indiana, the Gladish Law Group is here to help you navigate the legal path to recovery. Our local team of experienced attorneys is familiar with the local landscape and well-versed in Highland’s premises liability laws. We are dedicated to providing compassionate and effective legal representation.

As local attorneys, we prioritize accessibility. You won’t be just another case number; you’ll have direct and open communication with our team. We are here to answer your questions, address your concerns, and guide you through every step of the legal process.

If you’ve been injured or suffered a loss due to a premises liability incident, don’t wait. Contact the Gladish Law Group for a consultation. We’ll assess the details of your case, provide expert legal advice, and work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve. Call our Highland law office at (219) 838-1900 or fill out our online contact form.