Personal Injury

The phrase “personal injury” is used chiefly in connection with actions based in tort for negligence. In the State of Indiana, the tort of negligence is comprised of three (3) elements:
(1) A duty on the part of the defendant in relation to the plaintiff;
(2) A failure by the defendant to conform its conduct to the requisite standard of care; and
(3) An injury to the plaintiff proximately caused by the failure.
Miller v. Griesel, 308 N.E.2d 701, 706 (Ind. 1974). Negligence cases usually deal with someone doing something that they should not have done, or failing to do something that they should have done for the benefit of another. Automobile accident, trucking accidents, explosions, burns, electrocution, failure to provide supervision or security, over service alcohol and boating accidents are examples of situations in which a negligence cause of action may arise due to the actions of a third party. Attorney Gladish has been able to obtain large verdicts for his clients based upon the negligent conduct of others. Attorney Gladish has also been able to obtain large settlement for his clients through mediation and arbitration which are subject to limited disclosure. Examples of some of the verdicts and settlement are as follows:
In 2007, Attorney Gladish was able to obtain a settlement of $(Rule 7.2 does not allow Attorney Gladish to list this amount) on behalf of his client against a large insurance company. In this case, the client was involved in a car versus truck accident with major damage.
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As a result of this accident, the Plaintiff sustained a severe back injury requiring spinal fixation surgery as well as emotional problems due directly to the underlying accident. The named parties involved in this accident are not disclosed to respect the privacy of these individuals.
On September 20, 2001, Attorney Gladish was able to obtain a jury verdict of $(Rule 7.2 does not allow Attorney Gladish to list this amount) in the case of Wally Pasinski and Delta M. Johnson v. Lake County, et al., in the Lake Superior Court, Room Five in Hammond, Indiana. Mr. Pasinski was in a severe automobile accident which resulted in a severe fracture of his left ankle.