• 3235 45th Street, Highland, IN 46322
  • 603 N. Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307
  • (219) 838-1900
    (219) 600-8130
  • david@davidgladish.com
East Chicago Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

East Chicago, Indiana – Motorcycle Accident Lawyer - Motorcycle Accident Attorney – Serious Injury – Death Cases

Motorcycle hitting a carIf you are involved in a motorcycle accident, there are several important steps that you should take to protect yourself and ensure that you receive appropriate medical care and compensation for any damages or injuries you may have sustained.

Here are some suggested steps to take:

  • Seek medical attention: The first and most important step is to seek medical attention for any injuries you may have sustained. Even if you feel okay or your injuries seem minor, it is important to get checked out by a medical professional to ensure that you are not overlooking any hidden injuries.
  • Contact the police: If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, you should contact the police as soon as possible. They will document the scene of the accident, take statements from witnesses, and file a report, which can be useful in any subsequent legal proceedings.
  • Gather evidence: If you are able, take photos or video of the scene of the accident, including any damage to your motorcycle and any injuries you have sustained. This evidence can be useful in proving your case if you decide to pursue legal action.
  • Exchange information: Exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s) involved in the accident. Also, get contact information from any witnesses who may have seen the accident.
  • Notify your insurance company: Contact your insurance company to report the accident and provide them with any relevant information or documentation.
  • Consult with an attorney at the Gladish Law Group: Consider consulting with one of our attorneys who has experience dealing with motorcycle accident cases. They can advise you on your legal options and help you navigate the complex legal process of seeking compensation for your damages and injuries.

Overall, it is important to take these steps after being involved in a motorcycle accident in order to protect yourself and ensure that you receive the medical care and compensation you need to recover from your injuries and get back on your feet.

How to Be a Defensive Driver on Your Motorcycle

Defensive driving is a set of skills and techniques that can be applied to any type of vehicle, including motorcycles, to help reduce the risk of accidents and improve overall safety on the road.Here are some tips for practicing defensive driving on a motorcycle:

  • Be aware of your surroundings: Pay close attention to the road ahead, as well as any vehicles or obstacles in your immediate vicinity. Stay alert for potential hazards and be prepared to take evasive action if necessary.
  • Maintain a safe following distance: Keep a safe distance between your motorcycle and the vehicle in front of you, to give yourself plenty of time to react if they suddenly brake or make a sudden turn.
  • Use your mirrors: Make use of your mirrors to stay aware of traffic behind you, and be prepared to adjust your speed or position as needed to stay safe.
  • Avoid distractions: Avoid distractions while riding, such as texting or using your phone, to help ensure that you remain focused on the road and your surroundings.
  • Wear appropriate safety gear: Always wear a helmet and other appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and protective clothing, to help protect yourself in the event of an accident.

Remember, defensive driving is about being proactive and taking steps to avoid accidents before they occur. By practicing these tips and staying focused on the road, you can help ensure that you stay safe while riding your motorcycle.

Motorcycle Maintenance Tips to Keep You Safe

Proper maintenance of your motorcycle is essential for ensuring its longevity, safety, and reliability. Here are some tips for properly maintaining your motorcycle:

  • Check and change the oil regularly: Oil lubricates the engine and helps to prevent wear and tear. Check the oil level at least once a week and change it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Keep the chain clean and lubricated: A dirty or dry chain can cause excessive wear and tear and reduce the lifespan of your motorcycle. Use a chain cleaner and lubricant to keep the chain clean and lubricated.
  • Check and maintain tire pressure: Proper tire pressure is important for safety and handling. Check the tire pressure regularly and adjust it according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.
  • Check and maintain brakes: Brakes are critical for safety. Check the brake pads and replace them when necessary. Also, check the brake fluid level and top it up if necessary.
  • Keep the air filter clean: The air filter prevents dirt and debris from entering the engine. Check the air filter regularly and clean or replace it as needed.
  • Check and maintain the battery: A weak or dead battery can leave you stranded. Check the battery regularly and replace it when necessary. Also, keep the terminals clean and lubricated.
  • Store the motorcycle properly: If you’re not going to be riding your motorcycle for an extended period of time, store it properly to avoid damage. Park it in a dry, covered area and use a motorcycle cover to protect it from dust and debris.

Remember, proper maintenance of your motorcycle is essential for ensuring its longevity and reliability. By following these tips, you can help keep your motorcycle running smoothly for years to come.

Choosing the Perfect Motorcycle for Your Needs

Choosing the right motorcycle can be a very personal decision and will depend on several factors, including your riding experience, your riding style, your physical abilities, and your budget. Here are some things to consider when choosing a motorcycle:

  • Determine your riding style: Think about the type of riding you plan to do most often. Do you plan to take long road trips or just use your motorcycle for commuting? Do you want to do off-road riding or stick to paved roads? Answering these questions will help you narrow down your options and find the right motorcycle for your needs.
  • Consider your physical abilities: Consider your height, weight, and strength when choosing a motorcycle. Some bikes may be too tall or heavy for you to handle comfortably, while others may be too small or underpowered for your needs.
  • Evaluate your experience level: If you’re a new rider, you may want to start with a smaller bike with less power, while more experienced riders may prefer a larger, more powerful motorcycle.
  • Look at the different types of motorcycles: There are several types of motorcycles, including cruisers, sport bikes, touring bikes, and dual-sport bikes. Each type of bike has its own characteristics and is designed for a specific type of riding.
  • Set a budget: Motorcycles can vary in price from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. Set a budget for yourself and consider the cost of maintenance, insurance, and gear when choosing a motorcycle.
  • Do your research: Once you have an idea of what type of motorcycle you want, research different makes and models to find one that fits your needs and budget.
  • Test ride different bikes: Finally, test ride different bikes to get a feel for how they handle and how comfortable they are to ride. This can help you make an informed decision and find the right motorcycle for you.

Remember, choosing the right motorcycle is a personal decision and will depend on several factors. By considering your riding style, physical abilities, experience level, budget, and doing your research, you can find the perfect bike for your needs.

Motorcycle Rider Education and Skills Testing Can Greatly Reduce the Chance of Injury

The ABATE Motorcycle Safety Course provides participants with comprehensive and structured instruction that covers all aspects of motorcycle safety. From the basics of operating a motorcycle to advanced riding techniques, the course equips riders with essential knowledge to handle various riding scenarios confidently. The curriculum typically includes topics such as defensive riding strategies, hazard recognition, braking techniques, and maneuvering skills. By imparting this knowledge, the course helps riders develop a solid foundation of safety principles that they can apply in real-world riding situations.

Beyond theoretical instruction, the ABATE Motorcycle Safety Course emphasizes practical training to ensure riders can apply what they have learned in a controlled environment. Through on-road exercises and simulations, participants have the opportunity to practice essential skills like proper cornering, emergency stops, and swerving. This hands-on experience not only enhances their technical proficiency but also helps build muscle memory, enabling riders to react instinctively to potential hazards on the road. By providing a safe space for practice and learning, the course nurtures confidence and proficiency in riders, ultimately contributing to safer riding habits.

A core element of the ABATE Motorcycle Safety Course is its emphasis on risk awareness and hazard perception. The course trains riders to identify potential dangers on the road, including other vehicles, road conditions, and environmental factors. By heightening riders’ situational awareness, the course helps them anticipate and respond to potential risks effectively. Moreover, the course instills a sense of responsibility and encourages riders to prioritize safety at all times. By developing this risk-conscious mindset, participants become proactive in minimizing risks, which significantly contributes to reducing motorcycle accidents and injuries.

Defensive riding is a key principle emphasized in the ABATE Motorcycle Safety Course. Participants learn defensive strategies such as maintaining a safe following distance, using mirrors effectively, and anticipating the actions of other road users. These strategies empower riders to anticipate potential hazards and make informed decisions to mitigate risks. By promoting defensive riding habits, the course fosters a culture of responsible riding and encourages riders to take proactive measures to ensure their safety and the safety of others on the road.

The ABATE Motorcycle Safety Course goes beyond providing initial training; it also encourages riders to embrace a lifelong learning mindset. The course highlights the importance of continuously updating knowledge and skills to adapt to changing road conditions and emerging technologies. ABATE, along with other organizations, offers advanced courses and workshops that cater to riders at different experience levels. By promoting ongoing education and skill development, the course reinforces the idea that motorcycle safety is an ongoing commitment, not just a one-time endeavor.

The ABATE Motorcycle Safety Course plays a vital role in promoting rider safety and fostering a responsible riding culture. Through its comprehensive instruction, practical training, risk awareness focus, emphasis on defensive riding, and encouragement of lifelong learning, the course equips riders with the necessary tools to navigate the roads safely. By empowering riders with knowledge and skills, ABATE contributes significantly to reducing motorcycle accidents, injuries, and fatalities. It stands as a testament to the dedication of organizations and individuals striving.

For more information, check out the ABATE Indiana website at http://www.abateofindiana.org/

About East Chicago, Indiana

East Chicago, Indiana City Hall
East Chicago, Indiana City Hall

East Chicago is a city located in Lake County, Indiana, on the shore of Lake Michigan. It is situated about 25 miles southeast of Chicago, Illinois, and has a population of around 27,000 people.

The city was founded in the late 19th century as an industrial center, with its early growth driven by the establishment of the Inland Steel Company. Over the years, the city has been home to a number of other industries, including oil refineries, chemical plants, and manufacturing companies.

East Chicago is known for its diverse population, which includes significant Hispanic, African American, and Eastern European communities. The city has a rich cultural heritage, reflected in its museums, art galleries, and festivals.

One of the city’s major attractions is the Indiana Harbor and Ship Canal, which connects Lake Michigan to the Calumet River and the Illinois Waterway. The canal is an important transportation route for the shipment of goods between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River system.

East Chicago has also experienced its share of challenges, including environmental issues related to its industrial legacy. The city has been the focus of several efforts to remediate contaminated sites and clean up the surrounding area.

In recent years, there have been efforts to revitalize East Chicago and promote economic growth in the area. The city has established a number of initiatives to attract new businesses and investment, including the creation of tax incentives and the redevelopment of vacant properties.